Gauging Interest.

Jan 08, 2011 17:20

I've been thinking for a while that Hatter would really, really love running a CFUW game, IC. I've sort of been waffling about whether I wanted to actually try to run one myself, though, but the idea isn't going away, and Hatter having fun is always fun to play. (Because I'm a terrible person.) Sooooo... I guess I'm a little uncertain that people would actually be interested in what I'd want to run. It couldn't hurt to poll for interest a bit.

Would anyone be interested in playing in a Cry Wolf game with Hatter as the shepherd, bearing in mind that:

♠ Hatter is running it, so it would definitely be a kill game.

♦ Hatter being Hatter, I'm considering running a little demon possession plot. Most likely, the wolves would be under Hatter's influence to one degree or another. That might just mean giving people an excuse to play like sociopaths when their characters normally aren't, or players willing, it might mean playing out some angst/conflict over that in posts where it wouldn't hurt the outcome of the game--wolf posts and kill posts, mostly. Unless you want to have private posts with Hatter. Or just to yourself! idk :|a

♣ There wouldn't be a whole lot of plot otherwise. Demon clown is messing with you, making you kill each other for hir enjoyment, and probably making you play other silly games in the processes. There might be some opportunity to kill Hatter if the sheep win. Just to keep things interesting.

♥ Hatter being Hatter, the wolves wouldn't be the only ones at risk. The likelihood of trolling, violence and badtouch are all high.

I don't have any hard and fast plans yet, but if it seems like it wouldn't be too much trouble getting twelve people, I'll probably try to set it up sometime in the next few weeks? Takers for a beginner kill game?
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