(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 06:52

Doing this for both Haseo and his RL body, which I might play with from time to time.

Age: 17 (IRL and he looks around that age as his PC)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: Skinny but fit? His costume thing or whatever looks kind of heavy ...
Medical Info: Is a PC for a game! But would read as human, I believe. Ish. Humanish. When he swaps with his RL body, he's in good health and a normal teenage boy.
Eyes: Brown.
Hair: Haseo has silver hair. (Real life Ryou has dyed blond hair.)
Physical traits: Weird butt plates! His legs are weird, which makes him run funny. Red markings on his face and arms.

(Ryou is ... a normal teenage boy.)
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything. At this point, the boy could probably roll with being told he's a video game character. Knowing stuff about Ovan is likely to upset him, if you're okay with dealing with that.
Abilities: He's an Adept Rogue-meaning, he's capable of using three different weapons at any point in time. However, his Xth form gives him the ability to use additional weapons, so he's able to whip out four different weapons: twin blades, which move quickly, edge blade, which is like a giant broadsword that moves slowly, a scythe, which is ... a scythe, and the pair of guns. His default weapons now are his blades or his guns, though the scythe and broadsword are used when necessary (often to hit flying things or if something is big and strong).

Along with all these, he has special moves and things provided by his weapons and armor being customized. HP is raised, SP is raised, things like that. He has a number of different trigger attacks that could be listed here, but suffice to say that they hit hard very quickly and make it near impossible for the opponent to open up.

He also knows a couple healing spells-at least, according to canon, he learns these spells, so it's safe to say that even if you, the player, decided not to have him learn them, he does have them. (You, the player, in this case is me, because I am sometimes not the most strategic of individuals.)

Physically, he's able to move very quickly, faster than someone can see at times. He's around level 136.

The other thing he has is his Avatar, Skeith, also known as the Key of the Twilight because it devoured seven other avatars. It can do normal bullets, special, superpowered bullets, dash around, and do pretty spinning blade things. It is very powerful! It can perform data drain.

(Ryou is a normal teenage boy, for all terms and purposes. He's good at knowing special poetry, historical references, and being a loser who wants to impress Shino in real life.)
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Haseo is a bit of a special case with his Avatar! A vagrant AI decided to have a good time with Haseo and his Avatar, who was kind of a dick, and he shoved them together! It's never really clear what this means for Haseo, except that he definitely accepts Skeith, the Terror of Death, as a part of himself. This might ping strangely to other people. The Avatars are said to be a reflection of who they are, and sometimes, their very bloodlust-though Haseo's mostly got that problem under control.

Otherwise, his head is a bit of a mess. Though he's a lot happier and settled now, in the past, he's gone on rage fits, running around the world and PKing player killers in an attempt to find out information about Shino's PKer, only to later find out that it was his mentor who did it. Haseo kind of loved both these people a lot a lot, but he's also grown up a lot since the days when he first sort of pawed after them like a hopeless guy. But Ovan and Shino are people who are on his mind and influence a lot of what he does, whether he likes it or not. But there's also everyone else. Atoli, Kuhn, Pi, Endrance, Sakubo, Yata, Silabus, Gaspard-annnnnd a long list of other people. He's got a bit of a SAVE EVERYONE complex now, thanks to all the crap that's happened to him.

Along with all this, Haseo's the type to make snarky remarks in his head at any time. I haven't decided how to go through with this yet, but I'll hopefully make it clear in play.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, but ask where necessary.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Haseo is a harem protag by the end of it all, so I would say: yes, definitely. Please do the former two as much as possible. Anything else is good, too.
Maim/Murder/Death: Uhhhhhh, as long as there's a good fight involved? Unless there's a reason for him to be the weaker half of the arrangement.

(If he's walking around as Ryou, though: definitely no. never. ever.)
Cooking: I'm not sure if there's canon on this, but I'm going to say that he's a guy who can take care of himself when he remembers to. But I also think he forgets to eat sometimes.
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