Okay, I need a fic. I am ub3r bored, and I want to read a novel length. But heres the thing, it has to be ORIGINAL. That was the thing I just discovered all my favorite fics are very original, and very different. Harry Potter and the Wanderer, Moonlit Nights, things of that nature. Elves, Vampires, LOVE EM. Anything. Just, different. Please. Any rating. REC ME A FIC OR 5!! :) Oh. Yeah, Harry/Hermione, to be sure, but Ive come to like Harry/Luna A LOT, so if you have any of those, any Harry/Luna novel length would be great as well, as Ive never read any, so that doesnt have to be original. PG-13 and above please. Lol, so lets review. Harry/Luna novel lengths, and original/different harry/hermione novel lengths. PG-13 and above. XD that post was so rambly.
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harryhermione ETA: LMAO totally meant to post that to
delusionalfans. I is stupit.