Fic: "with those who favor fire" (Sylar/Claire)

Aug 07, 2007 23:43

Title: with those who favor fire
Author: Steph (andbless_mybaby)
Pairing: Sylar/Claire
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Consensual sex. This takes place four years before the events of FYG, so do the math on the age thing.
Spoilers: “Five Years Gone”
Summary: AU for FYG. In a post-apocalyptic New York, Sylar finds Claire changed.

Word count: 2,754
A/N: I did some ( Read more... )

pairing: sylar/claire, rating: nc-17

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Comments 25

hymenchan August 8 2007, 04:43:56 UTC
"Against his lips, her pulse beats swift as a butterfly’s wing"

Loved this line in particular, annnndddd,

"he had photo-memorized the exact shape and dimension and bounciness of that luscious jailbait flesh"

This one could get you in trouble with LJ! ROFLROFL.


andbless_mybaby August 8 2007, 12:41:58 UTC
lol - I FEAR NO LJ! :)

I'm so glad you liked it. And your icon is fabulously scary!


shimmeree August 8 2007, 05:17:58 UTC
You have such a gorgeous way with words. Is it natural, or do you thesaurus to death? (I totally thesaurus to death.) Either way, though, beautiful, beautiful job! I always love to see something new from you.


andbless_mybaby August 8 2007, 12:51:27 UTC
LOL... I'm gonna sound like an obnoxious twit for saying "no," but I really don't. I just like words, and collect them everywhere. My best friend calls me a walking dictionary! :)

I'm so, so delighted that you liked this. You are always so fabulous with the compliments. ::flattered::


shimmeree August 9 2007, 00:15:24 UTC
That's too cool that you're so good with words. Perhaps it's an odd thing for me to be jealous of, but I have a total "English Teacher in Another Life" dimension to my personality and I think it's such a talent to have that kind of handle on the English language.


andbless_mybaby August 9 2007, 01:04:37 UTC
It came in handy on the SAT, that's for sure! ;)


nurse_stiney August 8 2007, 05:49:59 UTC
::happy shudder::
Ahh, nothing spells Sylaire like good rough wall!sex. ;) And in this dark apoc!verse you've created, it's beautifully raw and HOT and just all-around amazing.
FABULOUS job, as always! It always makes me ridiculously happy when people write really GOOD, realistic Sylaire!!!


andbless_mybaby August 8 2007, 12:55:34 UTC
Eeee! It makes *me* ridiculously happy when I get such awesome feedback. Seriously, it's like crack for me. :)

And yes, who doesn't love wall!sex in general? Philistines, that's who... lol. This was my first wall!sex scene, so I am gratified to know that it was well-received. Also, very happy that you enjoyed the story in general! <3


sinverguenza August 8 2007, 07:56:52 UTC
eee. EEEEEEEEEEEEH. a dedication! bwee! thank you, darling!

god, this was so good. as a side note, the claire in this story bears an amazing resemblance to the claire i am writing in a different story (right down to her fuck my boots, haha). great minds, i say.

anyway, i loved this so much. man, your sylar dialogue really just floors me. i love it hard. i'm serious, i went through it again just now to pick a favorite line, and i just couldnt. i love the way you write him. the things he says and thinks are so realistic and real and hot ( ... )


andbless_mybaby August 8 2007, 13:09:10 UTC
Oh my god, you liked it! Well -duh- you get a dedication; your felonious!Sylar's smoldering gaze yesterday got me through the middle of the story! (I write in nonlinear chunks, and it gets me in trouble sometimes.)

Bad-girl Claire *would* have fuck-me boots, I just know it. ;)

Your comments are like sugar-glazed fabulousness, just so you know. I AM NOT WORTHY! I really wish, however, that you wouldn't come down on yourself! You are a f-in' kickass writer. For all that I joke about our "shared Sylar," we have two totally different writing styles, and I think the *way* you write your Sylaire is its own brand of divine, thankyouverymuch. Pleeeeease do us all a favor and post your story! It rocks so hard, and HE should be unleashed upon the world as soon as possible. :)

Last thing (I swear!): Ooh, Portishead is really good, too. I worried that the Ladytron song was too literal, once I went back and made Claire younger in this one, but I couldn't shake the image, so it stayed.


sinverguenza August 9 2007, 11:59:01 UTC
soooo glad my picspam helped! i will provide it at any time!

aw but youre sweet. im going to work with it a little more, try and take out some more suck and put in some more good. thanks for the encouragement.

again, this fic is so perfect and i am already clambering for another. im so glad i found ya on here!


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andbless_mybaby August 8 2007, 13:17:04 UTC
ROFL - you always bring the excruciating-detail-love! Both my parents are nurses, and two of my friends are in med school right now at USF, so I pick things up here and there. Mostly, I pay attention to the body parts that have sexy and/or pleasant-sounding names!

Eeee, I'm so glad that you liked this so much. Your comments make me clap and bounce in circles like a sugar-high kid. This story really worked for me - not all of them do, actually - and it pretty much makes my day that it was praised so kindly! :)


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andbless_mybaby August 9 2007, 04:49:36 UTC
Well, see, "iliac crest" has the "l" going for it. As does "hollow." "Notch" is an ugly word, 'cause of the "tch" sound. You've hit upon my hidden festish for assonance, lol. "Gluteal cleft" is good to know, I suppose - for when I've feeling twelve. HAHAHA!

btw, who exactly writes Sylaire fluff? Oh god, shoot me now. Actually, wait, don't answer that. The correct response is, "the same people who write Paire squirrel!porn." ;)


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