Because I needed a more lighthearted most recent entry, and I happened to be going through old screenshots today. Most of these were chosen for aesthetic value rather than actual significance, but a few were just thrown in because they amused me.
(As usual, click to full view)
Love is in the Air
(it's the in-game name for Valentine's Day, which is the first time Aura hit on Gorthuk)
Here's Aura and Gor using leftover flower petals.
Rocket Dive
Auralion combines rocket boots with levitate to soar across Northrend. I made a bit of a habit of finding the tallest cliffs available and seeing how far I could go.
Rocket Dive (ReMiXED)
Aura landing in Grizzly Hills.
Aura in his newly acquired tier 9, stands beside the portals in Dalaran.
Chasing Waterfalls
Aura and Gorthuk levitate in front of a waterfall (during the Fire Festival, I believe)
Here there be DARGONS
Cailath flies Timmydormu down from Hyjal, the sun shining dramatically behind him.
Hellscream's Eyes are Upon Us
(Or will be, as a result of the completion of this extremely long chain in Nagrand) This is Cailath escorting Thrall to Garadar. The troll to the left is Tusukia and the Tauren to the right is Rarahn. Those were his leveling buddies!
Northern Lights
Eyvindar flies across Northrend on his red dragonhawk. The product of an obscene amount of played hours and in-game gold spent.
Putress, Lord of Penguins
Eyvindar dons the Putress suit to enthrall a group of weak-minded penguins. Awestruck, they hang onto his every word.
Rollin' rollin' rollin'....
Cailath gives Kun'tari a ride across Durotar.
Tourist Trap
Cailath and Kun'tari pose for a photo at the Crossroads. A sleazy goblin charges them 25 gold to get the prints, but Cail pays for it anyway (with Auralion's gold, of course).
In Service of Blood
Liathain stands with another Blood Knight in the room that once housed M'uru.
I feel flames again...
Liathain being overly introspective as he stares into a fire.
Light Dance
Auralion and Lir rock out with their holy powers in the Violet Hold.
Mind Vision
As the title says. Aura and Lir mind vision each other to pose for this picture.
There are many like it, but this one is mine
Vis'zakk and his leveling buddy play around on the water in Thunder Bluff.