Oct 31, 2005 00:33
I wish I had more to write about, something fun and exciting. People used to love to read my journal (well really just Kristi because she's the only one who did) but anyway now I'm just stuck in limbo pretty much between home and school and that's the only thing I have to talk about. that and I'm jealous of Kristi and JD because I wanna meet a nice boy who likes me and in Lake Charles that's just not possible. the only guy i meet is married and well that just won't work. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm also still kind of haunted by this whole Cal thing. I see him online every once in a while like right now and I wanna talk to him but I just can't bring myself to because I always just figure that he doesn't wanna talk to me. Its not like he ever calls me. and he doesn't miss LA he loves MS too much. He's got a girlfriend and its just never gonna happen and that bugs me. He bugs me really, and I really don't know why I like him......I just do. Its the weekend before Halloween....I have done what? NOTHING! I'm 20 years old and on weekends right now I do NOTHING! I have no life, how did I get to this point? I'm so boring.