
Sep 23, 2012 21:52

It had been around a month since Clint had been assigned a hit and he was starting to get twitchy. If there was one thing that drove him crazy, it was being idle. After everything that had gone down with Loki and the Chitauri, SHIELD had be pretty stingy with the assignments. Right now the most Fury had him doing was babysitting Stark. Maybe some mission surveillance if he was lucky. He didn't need to ask why. They were still concerned about how fit for duty he was, about how much of Loki's influence might be lingering. The constant interviews and checkups were evidence enough of that. Honestly, Clint couldn't blame them. If he'd been in the same position he'd be making the same calls. But that didn't make it any easier.

So when the order came to take out James 'Bucky' Barnes he didn't need to think twice. A job. Finally. This was the chance he needed, not just to blow off some steam but to prove he was just as capable as he'd always been. Loki was gone and Hawkeye was back in business.

Tracking the winter soldier had taken some work, Bucky was no amateur- that was for sure. He knew what he was doing. But so did Clint and it was only a matter of time before he finally caught up to him. They were in
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