couple survey stolen from Anthony

Jun 25, 2010 15:24

It's been a really long time since I've filled out a

What are your middle names? Michael and Marie. It's pretty weird, Sean and I have almost the same initials.

How long have you been together? Almost 3 and a half years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating? We'd only met and hung out, in a group, maybe three times before. We met each other about 2 months before we started dating.

Who asked who out? He asked me out to was one of the few things we both remembered from our extremely epic New Year's night, 2007.

How old were each of you when you met? I was almost 23 and he was 31. He's a dirty old man :-)

How old are each of you now? 26 and 35.

How tall are each of you? I'm 5'2", he's...much taller. 5'10"?

Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Both of us are only children. We see my cousins regularly though, and they're the closest thing I have to siblings besides my friends.

Do you have any children together? Thank goodness no. And I'm not seeing it in the cards for us, though perhaps my feelings will change when I get into my 30's, as so many people keep telling me...

What about pets? Only the cat we hope to have sometime in the future, and the potentially (hopefully) dead large centipede living under our bed.

Did you go to the same school? No, he went to Saint Michael's College, and I went to Skidmore later.

Are you from the same hometown? No. I'm from Montpelier, VT and Sean grew up in Seoul.

Who is the smartest? Well that's a terrible question. I'd say Sean though, he's better read and much more adept at having a debate, whereas I just get terribly flustered.

Who is the most sensitive? Me. Oh man.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Um, where don't we? We're bad with the saving money, at least in terms of food. We probably go to VT Pub & Brewery most often though.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Hawaii, to visit (or meet, in my case) his parents.

Who has the worst temper? We get angry in different ways about different things. I probably get riled up more often, but Sean's riling up is more intense. Overall though, it takes a lot to get us really mad.

Who does the cooking? We both do. I cook for myself more often, but we often cook large meals together. I also bake, Sean does not.

Who is more social? We're about even. We both really need time with friends, but we also need time at home. We also need separate time with our friends, but we also need a lot of social time together, whether just the two of us or with a group. We also both need alone time.

Who is the neat-freak? Me. I bitch often about the state of our apartment and it just doesn't bother Sean as much. However, though I'm very bothered by it, it doesn't mean that I'm cleaning all the time. Far from it. Instead, I sit and glare at the mess and bitch about it, then leave the house and deal with it later.

Who hogs the bed? We definitely share the bed, but we have this bizarre thing where our covers separate, and one of us ends up completely with the sheet and one with the blanket. Or, whoever sleeps on the inside somehow pulls all the covers over there and the other person is coverless. It's definitely not dependent upon the person, it just depends on the side of the bed. Very weird.

Who wakes up earlier? Me, because I have to work earlier. I also naturally wake up a little earlier, usually.

Who has the bigger family? We both are only children with a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins. They're probably about the same size (Sean's may be bigger because his parents have a couple more siblings than mine do), but my family is definitely closer and sees each other more regularly. At least on my mom's side.

How do you spend the holidays? For the typical family ones we hang out with my family. For the stuff like Memorial Day and the like, we just hang out in Burlington. I usually end up doing my own thing because I have those days off but he doesn't. New Year's is definitely with friends. For all the seasonal holidays, I usually celebrate in my own way.

Who is more jealous? Me. I unfortunately find myself making comments, comparing looks to other people's, and how "I wish I had this" etc.

Do you have little pet names for each other? I'm his muffin and he's my pancake. Why do petnames almost always revolve around food?

How long did it take to get serious? No time at all. We met in October of 2006, hung out in a group a few times, he asked me out on New Year's, we went on a date that week, and then hung out almost every day for a couple weeks. We had one week of awkward getting-to-know-you, but by the time my birthday came around, two weeks after he asked me out, it felt like we'd been together for a really long time, and it's felt that way ever since. We are extremely lucky. We just clicked and it fell into place really easily...not many people get that.

Who eats more? Sean in terms of quantity, but me in terms of frequency. Also, I can down an entire bag of chips in no time, which is disgusting.

Who sings better? Probably Sean. We both sang in college, but he was in his college's special choir.

Who does the dishes? We both do, but Sean does it more often because he doesn't like other kinds of cleaning. I like to sweep more.

Who snores? Neither of us, but we both do if we're sick or lying on our backs.

Who's better with the computer? Me, Sean's a bit of a technophobe. But he's learning.

Who drives when you are together? Sean.

Who kissed who first? Sean kissed me first, on that New Year's.

Who wears the pants in the relationship? We both wear pants (though I love skirts too), and we both talk out everything and make decisions together. We both have our own separate bank accounts too, for now.

Who has more tattoos? Me, Sean has none.

Who eats more sweets? Me, I definitely have a sweet tooth, though it lessens as I get older.

Are you two still a couple? That's a stupid question, based on the present tense in all the above answers.
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