Feb 16, 2004 21:57
I'm sitting at my parent's house, looking up a cheap in dash cd player. I'm looking to buy a car, brand new preferably, so I'm fixing up mine...at least making it look nicer. Moved out, live with my bf, and a drunkard. Dirty laundry keeps women busy. I don't do laundry that often, and if I do, it's my own...they can wash their own. There's been three or four really loud parties, but no one's complained, I Think we're safe for now. Looking for a house. can't wait to move out already. Going to Canada for my 19th. to go shopping ...jeez...well okay, and get really trashed, since I haven't been able to for so long. Work early mornings, late nights, with classes all day MWF. Work all day Tues/Thurs, and most weekends. Sucks dick. Gonna quit someday .....and become a stay at home pseudomom (no kids)... something to that effect. *sigh* I'm stuck in the go-nowhere phase. there's so many things that I want to do right now, but no time whatsoever to do them. MY best friend has turned into a backstabbing greedy slut. Taking me for granted, blaming me for everything. my bf's an alcoholic...I'm just overworked...i have a biopsy tomorrow morning and I can't wait for the results. just getting over a severe kidney infection, but I got lots of demoral for it. and yes, that's pretty much my life in a nutshell so far.