I have a date tonight...what should I wear? does it really matter? i don't even know what kind of date it is, but I think there may be something other than just movie watching involved...I'm not even sure how I agreed to go on this date with someone other than zach. I'll just get really fuckt before I go...that always helps..I would just bring a coupla 4Oz with me, but they check trunks and shit at the drive-in now. It starts at dark, and there's two movies to watch...that's plenty of time. I always used to go, end up getting trashed halfway through the first movie, and then leave at intermission to go jump off the catwalk on the missouri at about 2 am or so. heh. that was way back when, I miss those days...it's just a friendly date you know...I'm slated to trip on dramamine on friday..and be horribly videotaped. me and ritchie...jenna wants to make the dramamine chronicles wif my stolen videocamera. oh and also, I'm getting a tattoo...heh I already made the appointment, next tuesday, but I don't know what to get, how big it should be, and where to put it...I'm cheap, so it has to be smaller, and it'd either be on my back/shoulder, my hip, the small of my back, b/t my shoulder blades, or right above my breast. blah, decisions decisions. but there was a really neat one, that was a whole bunch of drifting swirls going up my spine, but that's alot of bone to tattoo on...eep! anyway, I'm done for tonight, I have to get ready for my date...also I'm lonely, i just need to be held, zach gets back in two days, and I can't wait that long....
What lame pick up line are you?
The Herculoid glob.
Find out what secondary animated character you are.
What fuzzy creature are you? Andame's
Battle Imp
Backstabbing: 1
Dodgin': 6
Guts: 3
Magic Mojo: 1
Smackdown: 10
find your elementat