Oct 10, 2006 15:27
Okay, so I'm back and have pretty much caught up with the work I missed over the last week (I really don't have much to do in this office now!), so I figure I should give you all an update and try and get my head around everything!
So, the trip to Hobart was great. Not overly busy, but I managed to do more for them then they expected and got to meet a few people who will hopefully be able to give me some more interesting work. I actually got a call from one of the guys this morning asking me if I could go back in a few weeks, so things are looking pretty positive. There's also some potential work over in Melbourne (damn shame), and a few bits that I can do from here.
It was weird being in a motel by myself for a week (especially since I was surrounded on all sides by a travelling retirees ten pin bowling club who were quite loud at night and gave me evils everytime I walked past!). I got to walk around a lot, and Hobart is REALLY hilly, so my calves are now complaining like crazy! Eating by myself in resturants wasn't as bad as I thought, I think it helped that the food was wonderful (seafood galore!). I had a young guy serving me at one place and he seemed to be really intimidated by me, which amused me no end :)
I can see how people get sick of travelling places, I'm still really tired, although a good part of that was probably due to the fact that we had our second housewarming on saturday night. I got back to Perth late on Friday night after delayed flights and about 6 hours of travelling, was up early on Saturday and working like mad to get everything ready for the evening. Then people arrived, much fun was had, and the last people finally left around 2am, by which time I could barely keep myself upright and Jon was grinning madly and announcing "I'm dddrrruunnkk" every few minutes. For some reason, I was up by 9am and cleaning up. I just can't turn my brain off and relax enough to sleep in at the moment. Crazy.
But, despite bad pillows, being stuck in a seat for hours on end flying, and walking all over the place, I'm in pretty good nick. My chiro is finally signing off on my treatment from the car accident, although I still have to get my wrist looked after... I'm going to miss my free treatments :/
After we finish the left over spring rolls from saturday, I need to start eating better, and I really do need to do some excercise. But I'm sooo hungry all the time... I think i need to eat less but more regularly!
And I need to make an appointment with the natropath and get myself all balanced up again.
Anyway, thats news. Things are busy, and I need sleep!!