(no subject)

Nov 16, 2004 13:55

update? what me, never!.

this is just a series of headlines in my life as of late.

1. i sold my car this past friday.
1a. i bought a racecar wheel and peddles for ps2 so i can pretend i'm driving.

2. i have 3, count em 3 court dates within the next 3 weeks. these will involve some jail time being assigned to me. yes-- you read right. next time you see me, i'll probably have a teardrop tattoo for shankin some bxtches during my 11 day stay. martha-core to the max.

3. i move into my new place this friday.
3a. as of this weekend, i live in newark. booya. anyone who wants to be cool and help me move n shit-- leave a comment and i'll contact you. much appreciated and i'll supply food and (alcoholic) beverages for people involved on saturday/sunday.
3b. its a studio apartment, so i don't think there'll be any huge raging party anytime soon, but if you wanna chill anytime after this weekend, lemme know dawgs.. i'm game.

i'm getting my arm worked on soon (well the completion of the lower half and the outlining of the upper), and the chestpiece of doom is getting drawn up. oh hells yeah. and my ears have now made it to 1/2". only 1/4" more to go until i'm at goal 3/4". do not ask to stick your pinky into my ear. only cool people like meghan and artie do that ;) and i am not as cool as them.

i'm going to visit my dad in florida next week for thanksgiving.. hopefully i don't get slammed with extra work to do before then. ok, thats the news and i'm stickin to it.
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