(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 22:54

Now, Im not usually serious about such matters so bear with me.

Today I woke up 15 minutes before my class.  This pissed me off.  I had wanted to get up an hour and a half before.  I had papers I needed to print for my second class of the day, and i wouldnt have time to print them inbetween classes.  But I woke up with enough time to put my clothes on and walk to class.  No shower, No food.  As I miserably biked to class, people lookd at me, cause lets face it, i was that asshole riding on the bike the had to move for.  I got to the CHafee building and started chaining up my bike.  All i could think is fuck, this day is gonna suck.  Ive felt pretty depressed lately.  I lost my job, my fish died, among varoius other things.  And this was just another little thing to pile up on things.  Just as I was standing there.  A man rushed by me, in a wheel chair.

I just sorta stood there and was like, goddamnit.  Now i feel guilty about being bitter, though i think on some level i still wanted to be.  But i couldnt anymore because when it all comes down, i still am not in a wheel chair.  And whats more I got this vibe that everything was cool for him dispite his handycap.  SO i shut up and went to Econ.

What does this mean, idk.  I still feel vagueily shitty, but i cant keep but thinknig of this event.  Im not particularly one for believing in higher powers, but maybe something put this inciident into motion.  Idk, whatever, i guess i just wanted to say how wierd it was that that man rolled by me right as i was feeling shitty.

I probably wont change, but this is shit to think about.
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