its me and you...forever

Sep 22, 2007 22:15

The problem with cleaning my room is I will find all the keys to the past that I put away for safekeeping.  I combined all of these pieces so now its just one large pile of crap.  Sentiments that I find to be so interesting but anyone else will just find it to be a pile of junk.  Rookie cards to terrible baseball players, a baseball with a note on it from friends, old letters from old lovers, as well as the notes that never amounted to anything.   I find these things to be a reminder of how happy I was at odd times.  The spiral notebook of random thoughts has been filled for so long, but I still read it to see if my feelings would be the same.  They were not.

Maybe I matured or maybe the rest of the world regressed.

Serendipity is on.  Kate Beckensale is definitely not ugly.  Nor is John Cusack.

Yom Kippur makes me feel pure, even though no one will understand it until it is observed first hand.
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