♫ s e v e n t e e n - [ a u d i o ]

Nov 13, 2010 10:58

[This is an accidental feed. It's obvious that this is the case, because Yosuke is singing again. He's not belting it out like he did last time and he's not tone deaf thank you ZELDA and he's clearly working on skinning something while he does so; the sounds of his knife skiffing over the skin can be heard over the feed.]

-'ll never see my actual face
Our love~ will be~ in virtual space.

I'm craving to emote with you,
So many animations I can dooooo~!
Be anything you want me to be
C'mon, c'mon and share a potion with me!

Do you wanna date my avatar?
She's a star
And she's hotter than reality by far
Wanna date my ava -


!c: miku hinasaki, apprentice skinner, !c: cidriel a'na, not gay, open mouth insert foot, apprentice leatherworker, look he loves his music okay, have i told you i'm heterosexual today?, !c: yenyoji quryoja, fail get, .accidental post, way to make a good impression, totally a dude kthx, !c: kanji tatsumi, !c: nanako dojima, .audio post, !c: med'an, not a girl

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