♫ f o u r - [ a u d i o ]

Jul 05, 2010 00:08

[The sound of the audio feed is that of a bustling crowd. The general noise makes it difficult to pick out separate sounds - there's a laugh here, a hawking of wares there, a scream, a shout, the sounds of brawling - it all meshes into one ripe cacophony fit to burst the ears.

From it, Yosuke can be heard, the Troll accent thick on his tongue.]

Souji, partner, you gotta hear this.

[He seems to think he locked the post, but in his glee either failed to or completely forgot. Either way, the sound seems to shift around, some parts growing louder as he nears their causes.

Eventually, a certain amount of laughter becomes louder as the feed moves closer. It picks up some of their conversation:]

"[Sinister Strike] in bed."
"[Putting out the Light] in bed."
"[The Fast and the Furious] in bed."
"[Going Down?] in bed."

[Raucous laughter meets every such statement. For those who had lingered in the Trade Area, they may have recognized some of those statements as the names of abilities, or slang 'achievements' that have been bandied about.]

"[Ambush] in bed."

[Snigger, snigger, snigger.]

"[Storming the Citadel] in bed."

[Some more laughs. It's clear from the noise that Yosuke himself had given in long ago.]

"[Calling the Cavalry] in bed!"
"[10000 Honourable Kills] in bed!"

[That one sends Yosuke in to peals of helpless laughter. He's not alone in it; other denizens are roaring their amusement. The laughter at something so juvenile is ridiculous, but clearly enjoyed by quite a large selection of the Trade Quarter.

When the laughter dies down to a few hiccups and sniggers, there's almost a rallying point; the calm before the storm, so to speak.

And then:"

"[Exalted Champion of the Horde] in bed!"

[Cheers rise up with the explosions of laughter this time.]

!c: thereth, portrait of a teen, !c: aureln dawnstrike, trollsuke, !c: souji seta, fail get, !event: location - undercity, !c: chie satonaka, the wild card, meme time, !c: lazzulah, !c: duibhín sunstorm, !c: valeria (turk knife)

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