♫ f o r t y - o n e [ action ]

Dec 13, 2011 00:06

[Did you walk a Direwolf, or did a Direwolf walk you?

Really, you let her run around at whatever pace she wanted and hung around in the general area until she decided to move on. So Yosuke guessed it was closer to the later.

He's bundled up against the snow in a thick cloak that he made himself. He was pretty pleased with it, and the one he'd made for Nanako. One day he'd swallow his pride and go talk to Kanji about learning how to do it more effectively, again, but for now, he was happy with the rough fur. It kept him warm, and as the fat flakes of snow spiralled down, he knew that was what he needed.

Hood up and headphones on, it might be a little hard to get his attention. He's just sitting on a stump close to the edge of town while Schneizel's big direwolf snuffles about close by. Despite her size (almost to Yosuke's armpit), she's almost impossible to see against the snow with her white fur.]

but i loved him, every day's great..., .action post, blanca

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