An update...

Mar 03, 2006 15:16

こんばんは・・・I wasn't planning on updating this anymore, but I guess a short one is warranted to let people know I'm alive.

Not much new has happened. I still don't have a job, but I've actually finally started pushing myself to exercise and get back in shape. Today I spent a few hours doing the following:

Run&Walking Karipuppy,
Riding my brother's new bike.

My back is pretty sore now, but I had a crapload of fun doing all of that, and I felt refreshed afterward despite the pain. I'm going to try and keep it an every day thing in hopes that I can remove the belly and ass I developed while living with Brandon. Hopefully I can reach my weightloss and inches goal by midsummer. other news, I also did something I swore I'd never do again, and some of you are going to kick me in the face for it...I'm in an internet relationship again, with a guy named Stephen. I won't go on and on about how amazing he is, but it's really something special. I won't get to meet him until this summer (hence my goals), but at least that'll ensure I don't rush into anything like I did with Brandon. He lives in Okinawa currently on one of the U.S. Military bases there. His dad was transferred there shortly after he graduated from high school. He'll be staying in Arizona to see family and friends sometime this summer, and one of his friends said they could house me for the month he's there.

But yeah, in short...he encourages me to better myself. Doesn't tell me I have to change anything, but any time I mention a possible goal, he encourages me to follow through with it without all of the standards and expectations. It's actually bringing my willpower to do something with my life, and if I pull off this goal this summer, I'm gonna start working on going back to college so I can major in English and study Japanese. I'd like to teach English in Japan someday -- A pretty 'out there' goal, but with some encouragment and lots of effort and patience, maybe it'll be possible.

K, this wasn't as short as I intended it, so I'm gonna post and go get a few hours of sleep until Stephen wakes up. またね~
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