Title: We Die Daily
Author: Andacus
Fandom: Vampire Diaries
Rating: M in later chapters.
Pairing: Damon/Elena, Stefan/Elena
Summary: Sometimes, all she can do is falter and pick herself back up, only to falter again. And the world spins on.
We Die Daily, Chapter 1 )
Yeah, I kind of figured that Elena would be the type of girl like some other people we know to bury her sorrows in a bottle. Also, it hasn't been commented on yet, but that's Damon's booze and she's at her house - wink wink.
I WANT MORE OF YOUR STORY. It had not registered that his alcohol was at her house. BUT I AM INTERESTED IN WHY.
Little brat. Tell her Andi is sad that she acted that way to her mom.
Yup, she's at her house in her jammies drunk. With his booze. LOL. Teenagers.
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