Aug 29, 2004 16:59
so the last few days
have been okay, i suppose.
umm Friday kinda sucked.
REALLY depressing day...
i regret a lot of shit. cares right!?
saturday..was better.
rainy day, but being with
a certain someone made it
A LOT..better..:)..he makes
me really happy....but anyways
me, my mom & Josh went to Walmart
but didnt actually go in...and then
we went to Kohls...where Josh faked a
"hurting" leg..and rode around in a
wheelchair..haha..ummm..then we went
to Target, where i begged my mom to buy
me the MAE cd...which is very good by the way.
ummm then we went to Serb Hall..andddd then David H
and Mike K showed up..yea..2 chicks were really showing
their affection for eachother there..and some creepy
man kept asking my mom to dance and another one wanted
to buy our umbrella from us...interesting.
mehh...after i got home..i so fuckin down lately. which is sunday..i went shopping with my mom
anddd i guess Josh is coming over sometime today..?...yep.
ill update later...