Mar 06, 2005 16:48
I started a new script. Everytime I think about "In Loving your home", I get real sad. It meant more to me than anyone could ever understand. But some things, must be left undone. Maybe the whole situation with come to closure one day, or maybe it's something in my life that will forever hold questions. Only in death, you know, you know.
The new script is called Le Film Noir. haha, that was our potential bands name, but it fits the idea for the story real well. I think this one's actually goanna get done, it's alot more logical to film taking into consideration, the position I'm in, with money and whatnot.
Well, that's about it.
The fighting has died down alot.
Just when I thought I had come to peace with all the people surrounding me
assumptions are made, and my name is bad again.
Oh well, it's not bothering me really.
Other then that, things are the way they are.