Mar 16, 2006 22:36
1. What's my mood like right now?
in the flesh? (hmm if taken the right way that could be rather pleasant)
2. How's tomorrow going to be for me?
everytime i die (im dying tomorrow what?)
3. What kind of person am I?
take the time (ironcially im rather impaitent)
4. Am I loved?
south of heaven (by satan himself!??!?!616)
5. How can I achieve my highest potential?
faster than youll ever live to be (get hopped up on speed one day)
6.What should I do with my life?
boiling flesh (wow sounds like fun!!!)
7. Is everything really going to be alright in the end?
summon the end of time (ill call upon the end of time when i feel its right, so in esscence yes)
8. What is my best quality?
Follow the reaper (following death? why would that in anyway be good?)
9. How does my sex life look?
fury of the storm (sounds like it could be fun, or dangerous, or rough, hmmmm)
10. What's the meaning of life?
fall from grace
11. What do people think of me?
forgotten past (ive been forgotten and left behind :( )
12. Would I make a good catch?
runaround (uhh what?)
13. How crazy am I?
A fine day to die (must be really fucking crazy because no day is fine to die)
14. Will I have a good life in general?
Praise of death (if i give praise to dead people? im fine with that)
15. Can (she/he) ever really love me?
towards the flcikering night (at night time then? thats the best time)
16. Can me and (her/him) ever be more than friends?
Destructive impulse (that just plainly doesnt sound good)
17. What's going to happen to me this week?
I, Monarch (yusssssss, now you all will have to listen to me)
18. Where will I be a year from now?
Crosses towards hell (apparently paying a visit to satan)
19. What is my biggest wish?
Coated with my semen (well that sums it up doesnt it?)
20. What is the love of my life doing at this very moment?
Dreaming through the eyes of serpents (sounds like a fun acid trip)
21. How will I die?
The ascension (ascending to heaven? i swear im not cheating with these religious/deity related answers)
22. What will happen after I die?
Next in line (no rebirth, dead for sure this time :( )
23. How do my friends feel about me?
Horrendous lust for psychopathic purity through self immolation (errr... what the fuck?)