May 05, 2004 21:48
Almost chicago time, only about,......28-30 more hours baby,..i am PHSYCED! :-p
Ok, another test, to know what you guys all think about me,...
1: Whats your favorit thing about me?
2: Do you think that im a nice person, to you?
3: Who, if anyone, in the world would you choose for me to go out with?
4: Wanna make out? -winks-
5: Completly honestly, could you ever immagine yourself with me? (if your a guy and say yes, ill shoot you)
6: How nice am i, 1-10?
7: How mean am i, 1-10?
8: Would you ever get mad if i went, WIGGA??
9: Do you think im creative enough to come up with more tests? Cause thats all my latest entries have been,....
10: Please, please,....Tell me, do you ever think im fat?
Answer truthfully, and if you leave an annonymus comment, leave your name, please,...
PS: I did alotta chores tonight