Castle of ahhhhgghh

Dec 15, 2006 14:53

I am more confused now than ever. The guy I like says I'd be a great girlfriend for.... Riley.
He keeps insisting that Riley and I are made for another. Even his FAMILY thinks so.
Am I naiive to still like the other guy?
I liked Riley, it was a while ago, but I did.
And he didn't even notice. So I gave up.
Is hate really a fine line between love?
Should I give up on this AMAZING guy to focus on Riley. Or que sera sera?
I have no clue anymore. I just want to give up.
I don't know what to do, or how to act.
This other guy and I have plans to go to the movies next friday.
He refuses to let me pay or drive.
Isn't that stereotypical of a "date?"
I even asked HIM to go, therefore the askee is designated to pay.
But he flat out REFUSES for me to pay, or drive.
Are these signs, or am I just an anthropoligical freak who analyizes EVERYTHING that happens?
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