(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 22:25

Reasons why I love Lu Yetter:

1) Today after Dylan Lu was asking me about something or other, and I said that I was a little bit freaking out because all my friends are applying to grad schools and she laughed and said, "Katie! Katie. Please, don't worry about that. Honestly, you're fine." I don't know why but that statement became such an overwhelming relief. I can't even explain the moment except that it was amazing.

I don't think I can handle school anymore. I'm so done with classes. I think, someday, I will be eager to go back, but dammit, not now. I can harldy handle it now!*

*now not meaning right this minute because this semester's going all right, but the past few years have been tough, and this one will probably turn into it.

2) I had so so so much fun tonight at the BFA dinner, mostly because I got to talk to Lu for ages. She's so sweet. And something happened, whatever, I brought up Joe and Erin for the eight hundreth time, I said something like, "And that, ladies and gentlemen, will be the last time I mention it." and she sort of said something about it was okay that I felt like talking about it because it is a big deal.


erik and i just broke off everything and anything that will ever happen. it was retarded and it sucks, but I don't even care. whatever. it wasn't meant to happen. it wasn't. fini. finis. finito.
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