Nov 02, 2004 18:48
today i started the day out by waking up a little later than usual. i usually wake up at like 630 and shower but i woke up at like 650 and showered..almost was late to school..didnt see Stef between any of my classes so i was like X( but finally at lunch i saw her and i was happy. :] i stood with joe caio and mike at lunch for a while..then i kinda walked around mooching for drinks. keke.sad.X(. after this i had to goto gym and i thought it was still being held in 128 but they finally moved it down to the gym. we had a short period because we had to talk about..whatever. i wasnt listening, i was talking to bDig and shieze. so i started to play PingPong which i havent played in forever. i still suck. never really cared about the game..i lost one of the balls under the bleachers because i went like..20 feet away from the table and spiked the went like.. really far..really really fast..8Dkekeke.:x. uhm..after school i kinda hung around for a while and then paul called wanting to know if i wanted to meet up with him and joe so we could take some pics of..stuff. after we looked at a few spots we split up and whatnot. me and adam went to the post office and i snagged 6 postage stickers so i can slap around my piece. keke paul only got two. then me and adam got back to his house kinda late and Stef wanted me to call her if i left adams early..i did leave kinda early but my mom wanted me in early for some..very odd reason. i wanted to see Stef, very badly. X( but tomorrow is another day with more opportunites..if that really made much sense. uhmmm..oh yea before i left adams i snagged a load of candy and its pretty much already gone. this whole day i have been really uber thristy..i have been i might be a little dehydrated. now im super bored and i want to take a nap but then tonight i wont sleep well. friday im gonna order some caps and hopefully cans and do some pieces. then saturday i am gonna spend the day with Stef and Britt. eh. tired. gonna go work on my pieces and styles. i'll update tommorow night. ChrislovesStef