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Oct 24, 2004 22:03

today me and cameron woke up way to early, we woke up at like 9:40am and we didnt know what else to do but go on my computer for like 4 hours.. we had cookies and cameron had cereal too for breakfast. cameron got on so i started messing around with my Astrojax they are like these 3 balls on a string..two are connected to the ends and one moves freely on the string and you like rave with it..i have one of the series that lights up so when GT has the rave im gonna bring it. but yea, after we didnt know what to do we went to the skatepark and no one was there.. we watched Jordan[ this fucking awesome 9 year old] do a front flip, no lie, a front flip off the half pipe..he can do it perfect too. adam came over and we were like :o then priscilla came and we were also like :o. then i talked to Caio and Codey for a few minutes..then we went to cameron's house and i put his board together..i kinda messed up on the griptape because i didnt have a razorblade to cut it off..should'vewenttoanemokid OOOOOOOH. played diablo two for like..20 seconds. then Stef called my cell :D!!!! me and cameron went to meet up with her at the lafayette because he lives like 30 second away from there. i had cameron's respirator on and then i put my bandana around my forehead. thats my SARS[ Secret Asian Rampaging Society] look..well i needa get these sick goggles too.. they have two spikes on each sid, goggles+double half face respirator=2 1337 4 ur 5337. then we went to cameron's house and hung out for a while. but yush, i am so in love with Stef, everyday i feel better about her and its so good. she means more to me than anyone like that ever has. jessica and rayna i dont talk to anymore..shawna i am still friends with and say hi and stuff but not like conversations..same thing with lexy. i wanna still be friends with lexy and shawna but rayna and jessica i dont give a fuck. after we left cameron's house we went to adams and played some DDR..i did HORRIBLE..i couldn't even pass Rhythmn&Police. die. then adam went to the movies with akko and crunk so we departed. priscilla had to go home so i was nice and walked Stef home..but we took a stop for like 20 minutes to talk to Carmen and Brendan; we laughed and whatnot. after we were walking by glendale park..rita saw us and was like " chrissss..chrissss" i thought i was hearing something but i was like DE RITAAA !!! i stopped and talked to her for a few. then as me and Stef were freezing, we finally got to her house..OH YEA..BEFORE WE STOPPED TO TALK TO BRENDAN..SOME DUDE WAS GETTING JUMPED RIGHT IN THE STREET IN FRONT OF FINE MART..stef was like " maybe we should cross the street? o_____o" me: .__________________. then the dude like..kicked him in the ribs after he was done punching him on the ground. so then i was like " should i call the police..?" Stef" nah..someone else will call." XDD she is so kawaii[cuteX3] BUT YEA..when we got to her house we went into Leslie's room and talked for a while..she got this book which is really awesome..to bad i forget the name and who it was by. X( Stef's dad was like " hey chris"
me: o_________________________o did he say hi to me? o_____o Stef: did he just say hi to you? me: o______________________________________________o;; yea..then my mom came in like 15 minutes ish..i gave Stef a kiss goodnight and told her i love her. i made white rice with chicken teriyaki tonight again..i am a really good cook. i made my mommy some too..she said i am the official cook XD my mom is so cool. and my friends love her like wh0a..she is like..buddha..kinda? o___O but she isnt fat. now im her listening to DDR tracks. i'll update later.
Stef&Chris>your relationship
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