Nov 13, 2004 08:45
So I went and saw The Incredibles last night, if you haven't seen it yet, do so. Lately it's been Halo 2 on Xbox Live, it's kinda taking over my life now or something. I mean, when I'm away from it all I can do is think about it and I'm soooo happy when I'm with it. I think I may be in love, but I'm too afraid to say it this early...
Anyway, I'm in class right now, yes at 8:30am on Saturday morning. It's my favorite thing, next to having a floppy disk shoved into my eye and from it, having a virus uploaded to my brain.
I kinda may have a job as a PC tech, but it's one of those "PC on Call" jobs, but it's not with PC on Call, it's with Home Computer Helpers or something like that. Apparently most of their clientele consists of businesses. *shrugs* It really just depends on the pay.
I think I'm going to take a break from Halo 2 and play some World of Warcraft today.
Yup, things are going well. Video games are fun.
I think I read somewhere that Louise Truan recently graduated from college, if this rumor is true, "congrats Trui!" ;)
*observation* The people in my class seem to be slowly migrating toward the back of the room, where I sit. I'd rather them stay away so I can not do what we're doing in class and not have someone watching me.
I think I'm going to go to to check out my Halo 2 online stats, because Bungie rocks and records all your information in your online gameplay, kills, deaths, medals earned, points scored etc. etc.