Feb 11, 2009 21:55
::As Hail snatched the bottle from him, Bart's face fell entirely. His jaw dropped slightly, his eyes widened and he couldn't think of a damn word to say for a good long moment. The color even looked as if it was drained from his face. A moment later and he reached out to try to grab the bottle back from her and missed completely. Yeah, he really needed more booze.:: "'ey! I have been a professional at this for years, love. And I know that doesn't come close to you, but..." ::He blinked, the train of thought was gone from him, and instead he turned to playfully glare at Hail.:: "Give it back!" ::He leaned forward to start to lunge at her, but again his train of thought quickly switched -- he caught himself before tumbling forward.:: "How do you mean, 'person to call home'?" ::His smirk went coy, crooked.:: "..You don't happen to mean shacking up with someone, do you?" ::Bart was hardly immune from those horrible, typical guy moments. It was a good thing Antrices was locked away inside Bart's house. The memorial park was nearby, but now neither one of them seemed in a huge hurry to get there.::