saw david bromberg on Friday...that was cool. Got to sit front row becasue of Chris's wheelchair and dallas the assitace dog...sounds liek a superhereo huh? not realy...w/e
met the fantastically funny and very gay Corey at Chirs and Jay's house.
went in this shop called the Horney toad and couldnt find porno socks for Gramma. it was tragic.
went to Kalen's house for Fatty and Astrid's bbq
felt very uncomfortable around alicia and wasnt sure what the deal was...pondered that fora while
talked to Astrid for like a while and decided that i'm going to donate 5 inches to her and we'll both be 5'5'' and perfect
ate off Kalen's moms $15 walmart china with Fatty and then sneakily washed it so she'll never know
felt normal standing near Jon and Fatty...taller people are great
Lindsey was really nice...she seems nicer every time i meet, not that she was mean to begin with she jsut never talked to me now she talks and she's a sweetie.
trav was there and he's cool
im going to see shrek and my birthday is a week from tommorrow..hooray
I'm going to put a horny toad sticker on kalen's wall...yep yep...