A fic snippet. A ficette?

Dec 09, 2011 20:58

Hello, o wide world of the internet!

(I always feel as if I should start my non-Friends Only posts this way even though, realistically, the wide world of the internet is probably not stopping by.)

I just recently updated my 'oh God I promise I'm still writing X-Men Band!AU' post the other day to swear that I was, in fact, still working on the thing, and as proof that this is so (and as a thank you to the people that let me know they still wanted to read it because Jesus, that is a patience beyond any I myself have ever displayed and you deserve a much speedier writer), here is a snippet!

"Record the album with us." He blurts out and then, "Shit, I have to ask-they're going to say yes. I have to ask everybody else first. But will you? Record the album?"

In the ensuing silence, Charles considers and rejects seven different plans for coping with his sudden and overwhelming embarrassment. Plans one through five are physically impossible (which is a shame, because sinking straight into the stone beneath him and never coming out again looked like a real winner until it ran up against the minor hurdle of reality), plan six involves convincing Erik he's hallucinating this entire conservation, and plan seven requires him to simply get up, walk away, and never speak to Erik again, which essentially falls into the 'physically impossible' category, anyway.

"They're going to say yes," Erik repeats. He doesn't ask but Charles, torn away from his escape plans and back into this damn conversation, feels as if there might be a question mark buried in there somewhere, if he had the time to look.

"Of course they are, they're not idiots," Charles says. "For God's sake, have you heard yourself play? Not to mention we're all really quite attached to you. Not in a limpet sort of way. Just...fond. We're all very fond of you."

"Are you," Erik says, and that one almost definitely has a question mark lurking in its shadow, but Erik's smiling, one corner of his mouth hiked upward, and that's more than enough to supplant the problem of punctuation.

"Was that a 'yes?'" Charles asks. "Because I'm quite neurotic about these sorts of things, and I absolutely will make you spell it out."

fic: snippet, fic: erik&charles, fic: x-men

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