Nov 26, 2009 08:10
We spent 24 straight hours together yesterday. I'm going to stop over-thinking this whole thing right... now. I'm just really happy and I guess I'm going to try to enjoy it for as long as it lasts (even though there is a chance he could be totally playing me). Whatever.
On a somewhat related note, I'm SO GLAD I have guy friends again! Zach and Nahum are absolutely the best. I really can't study at EC unless it's like the day before an exam. Other than that, I get really distracted with watching TV shows online or the people on my hall, so I go to Zach and Nahum's room. They're usually just watching playing music and doing their own thing so we don't really distract each other too too much. And they live in Simmons, which is conducive to my having random 3 AM make-out sessions with you-know-who. Also, Zach and Nahum give pretty good boy advice, although sometimes Zach purposefully tells me stupid advice to entertain himself.
On a completely unrelated note, I'm in the airport! And the only reason I have wireless right now is because Google kicks ass and decided to give free wifi to a bunch of airports as a holiday gift or something. I <3 Google. So so so much.
HOME! I will be home in like 5(ish) hours! I AM SO EXCITED. Besides getting to see everyone, I'm most excited about hookah and my car! AHHHHHHH! I'm so fucking ready. Also, Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays. It's like Christmas, but better because there are no presents so there's not any materialism or disappointment. It's just people who love each other coming together over cooking and then eating awesome food.
My parents have undergone this complete transformation in the past few years. I'm pretty baffled. I remember 2 years ago when my parents refused to let Nalini's boyfriend of a year come to our family Thanksgiving, despite her begging and pleading and sobbing. (NOTE: When Nalini begs/pleads/sobs, she normally gets what she wants. So this was weird. AND I was on her side! For them to not give in the BOTH of us when money is a nonissue is UNHEARD OF.) I think he ended up going though, because Judy directly told Nalini to invite him, thereby bypassing my parents. I don't remember though...
Last year, they let Ryan and Jake go, no issues whatsoever.
This year, they INVITED Jake, Nalini's boyfriend Dave, and Heather (even though neither Judy or Erik are in town), AND Heather's little brother Paul. Not to mention they're letting Lauren, Maria, and Christine come too. I am so happily confused at how they just evolved into the 7th Heaven parents minus the Christian part.
I guess that's it for now. Expect more longposts in the nearish future.