Sep 10, 2012 17:55
What to make for dinner tonight? Steve's working late, and I spent all afternoon eating hummus/pita and roasted garlic triscuits, so I'm not too motivated to make anything. I suppose Anya will want to eat, though. Maybe egg noodles and broccoli, or something of similar difficulty.
What else is going on-- I already have a backlog of grading to do. I don't really care about the assignments, they were mostly to make sure everyone could find the discussion board, etc, but I did assign them so I've got to get around to grading them. Maybe tomorrow morning while Anya is at preschool.
I booked tickets to go to Berkeley while Steve is away for the annual Neuroscience meeting. I'll meet my nephew for the first time, so that's exciting. I'm a little anxious about traveling by myself with both girls, especially the transfers in Denver, whose airport I really dislike, but I've been wanting to go, plus I think some days with family to help while Steve is away will be nice.
A friend of mine who is a photographer gave us a free session as a bday present for Anya (but really more for us, obviously). She took the photos on Mika's one month bday. A couple of weeks ago she told me they'd be ready by the end of the week, and then she wrote again to say she'd had migraines and would get to them soon. Both times I told her I knew she had kids/her business to attend to, no worries, but now I haven't heard from her in awhile and I'd really like to see them. I was hoping they would have been ready for my mom's bday (last Thursday) but didn't want to pressure her-- and still don't, both because she's my friend and because she did the session as a gift and so all of her work is a gift/favor to us. But, I want to see the photos!! Oh well, hopefully soon.
Anyway, it's 6 o'clock, so I better go figure out something for dinner. Blargh.