Audio file to Sideswipe

Apr 11, 2011 05:13

[The following audio file will play after Sideswipe manages to turn on either one of the daggers Wing left him:]

Congratulations, Sideswipe! You've successfully activated a Crystal City Skirmish Model Plasma Blade! Well done.

[Wing's laughter bubbles up over the audio.]

I'm glad they got to you. I wasn't sure if you would listen to anything I left you on its own, so I've resorted to a bit of trickery. I hope you don't mind too much and will suffer through one last speech of mine.

Beyond just being vessels for my clever machinations, I thought you might like to have them. I won't be using them and it seems like a waste to take them with me, so it seems only right that I pass them on to someone I know will understand their use. I expect you to take good care of them; they served me well and, should you ever have the need, will do the same for you.

Beyond this, I'm... not sure what to say to you. I suppose I could have composed something before making this-- maybe I will, in which case, you'll never hear this, but I hope I don't change my mind. I don't want to sound disingenuous. To be honest, this was never something I wanted to give much thought to, not because I don't think you'd deserve it, but because it means that I won't be telling you myself.

From our very first conversation, as misguided as it was, I knew you had a strength in your spark worth respecting. Right or wrong, passion cannot be ignored and it's certainly something you have in excess. My only regret is that I was never able to know you well enough to really understand where it all sprung from. I do know that you channel it through parts of you that are... less than pleasant, but I still hold out hope that one day you will learn to reconcile those things.

I have faith in you, Sideswipe; and in your future. I believe that you are strong enough to shape it into something glorious and I wish I could be around to see it. You shine in brilliant ways. Never forget that, especially when things seem darkest.

[There's the sound of a slow, steady cycle of air.]

Making this decision isn't easy for me. I thought for quite some time that I could move beyond this feeling, but the harder I tried to deny it, the more it persisted. I have to heed it before it gives me no choice and I lose this opportunity.

Nautilus is everything I ever wanted and never knew I needed. I will always cherish the friends and companions I met here. Yes, even you. [He laughs again and the sound is light and fleeting.] You challenged me and without challenge, there's little to remind us to do our best.

Which begs me to wonder: is what I'm doing... for the best? No, I don't think so. Not for you, or Wheeljack or Orihime... or anyone else I've come to care so deeply for. In that, I admit that this is, perhaps, more selfish than I have any right to be. I could not be as strong as you need me to be and I can't apologize enough for that.

I wish and want nothing but the best for you, Sideswipe. If I could be someone to help you find it, I would... but all I can do is hope that, for the time our paths crossed, that I wasn't completely intolerable company.

Take care of yourself. And take care of my knives!

I will miss you.

[The audio ends.]
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