Sep 19, 2007 16:02
Love with everything you've got. Love without fear, love without resent. Love because it happened, not because you need it. Love without definition. Love until you can't love anymore, and thensome. Love when it's good, love harder when it's bad.
They're going to look at you like your nieve and too young to love. To fully understand heartbreak and complications. They'll baby you and prepare you for the worst. But little do they know, they're the nieve one's. You're not garunteed ten years from now, ten seconds from now. Love with everything you've got because who's to say if you'll ever get the chance to again.
Maybe you won't ever forget your first love. Maybe ten years from now it won't matter. From what i've learned, love is never the same as it once was. You love stronger, or you love less. You love because you're scared, or because you're finally able to. If love was easy directions would come in the mail everytime you've met someone new. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FALL. Nobody can tell you that you don't know what you're talking about, nobody can tell you that it won't work.
Love isn't always beautiful, there isn't always a happy ending, nor is there always a prince charming. But the beautiful thing about love, is that enough is never enough. If you can give up then it was never love at all. If you can turn your back on it, then you don't deserve it.