Feb 27, 2006 21:18
Things are relatively good at the moment. I'm now 32 1/2 weeks pregnant, only 7 1/2 to go. I have a feeling that most of those weeks will be spent sleeping. I'm sorry I'm such a slackarse at seeing people, i'm just exhausted.
My blood tests came back saying i'm not getting gestational diabetes, which is rad. I also have a general GP checkup tomorrow. I get to hear my little boy's heart beat and doc tells me what position he is in. Apparently he has been in the head down, ready to go position since week 28. The only problem with that is, it leaves his feet up near my lungs and as he gets bigger/stronger, those kicks can wind me. He should weigh about 1.7kg now and be about 40cm long.
Although childbirth was the part I was most afraid of, I am getting antsy waiting for that time to arrive. At least I'll have something to do then other than sleeping and eating. And I'm looking forward to meeting Xavier. I wonder what he will look like. Slimy I imagine :p
Hope you are all well.