Let me say, firstly, that inhaling a snorkelful of seawater has to be amongst the most painful things to do. Three times, however, is pure hell. So yeah, please be appreciative despite the shoddy nature of the photos :'(
the platform was submersed, so walking in fins was pretty annoying as 1. walking in fins is annoying, 2. couldn't see anything under the waves when standing, and 3. the fins can get lodged in the holes
on the upside, the smaller fish hung around it. there's one behind the foot there :D
the black fish (grouper(sp?)..I think) was gigantic - at least a metre long
people who didn't like snorkelling could do the ocean walk. I'd find that scarier, tbh :x
more Big Fish
haha couldn't be arsed rotating photo. THIS GUY was freakin scary; went around taking photos of UNWARY SNORKELLERS, but, more significantly, looked EXACTLY LIKE A SHARK .. through fogged/scratched goggles. nearly had a heart-attack
in other news, Yolande is my HIRO