Feb 06, 2010 01:10
We all should have seen this one. Since the mammoth, godly success of Avatar, Hollywood smells opportunity in the water. That being 3D. Avatars huge success with 3D technology, and the higher ticket price, helped boost its box office revenue far more then expected. So now Hollywood is toying with the idea of making damn near EVERYTHING in 3D. The latest casualties of this: Clash of the Titans remake and the two new Harry Potter films. Clash of the Titans is being delayed by a week so they can tweak the film and make it all in 3D. The Potter films are already shooting, and will simply go right into being 3D. Sony is also going to make that horrid sounding Spider-Man remake/reboot/revolt in 3D as well. There's even some talk of making the next Transformers movie in 3D. Hell, by this time next year, I don't know if there will be any film that isn't in 3D. Hollywood will beat this horse for a while. So get used to it. myself, i don't give fuck all about 3D. I saw Avatar in 3D because James Cameron filmed it specifically for 3D, and the technology he used in the film relied greatly on new digital 3D. In other words, it needed the 3D. Clash of the Titans does not interest me in 3D. it was not made in 3D, it's just being shoved into it. Same for the Potter movies. So my deal is this, unless the iflm was MADE with 3D in mind from the get go, Like Tim Burtons new Alice in Wonderland movie, then I will stick to god old fashion 2D. It's cheaper, and there's no funky glasses to put on. I just want to see a damn movie, not have it jerk me off. So Hollywood can keep it's new gimmick. I turst James Cameron to deliver a good 3D film. I don't trust Hollywood to flush my toilet.
In other news, I think the show FRINGE is easily the best thing on TV right now. The show is in it's second season, and this season is such a MASSIVE improvement over the already enjoyable first season, its stunning. I can best compare it to Assassin's Creed. Assassins Creed had some great concepts, some great ideas, but they were fleshed out to full potential. So it came off as just enjoyable enough, but somewhat lacking. Then Assassins Creed 2 came out, improved every single aspect of he first one while still maintaining the same spirit, and ended up being one of the best games of last year. Same can be said about Fringe. The first season had a great concept, some very intriguing characters, some cool plot ideas, but it felt a bit unfocused, like it was holding back a bit. This season is a massive improvement on every level. The show has now completely defined it's main characters, developed a fascinating lingering storyline, and features weekly episodes draped in sci-fi without sacrificing any of the human element. And best of all, the show actually answers things and gets to the point. Tonight's episode was nothing short of brilliant. It fully and definitively answered a lingering question that had been ongoing since last season. It's an answer that's been hinted at, and you could most likely have guessed it if you watch the show, but the way the show handled it was stunning. Usually a big reveal like this is displayed with some form of bombast, to make viewers go WHOA!! But in this instance, the big reveal is displayed in a matter of fact, slow burn way, without any hype or pomp to it, focusing instead on the emotion of the situation. It was brilliant, and it doesn't hit you until the episode is over, especially the heart breaking final lines by one of the characters, "Olivia, please don't tell him". It was a brilliant moment in television, and this show has become something extremely special this year.
It's on hiatus right now until April 1. I strongly suggest checking out the season 1 DVD, and then download what has aired of season 2 thus far and catch up in time for the show to return. It's worth it. And the upcoming episodes promise to expand on the big reveal, as well as move the rest of the overall story arc forward. Might I add the show is produced by J.J. Abrams. That should be enough reason alone to get into it. But please do. It's a fantastic show, and this season is superb.