The state of things...

Dec 11, 2009 02:37

So. The senate democrats have apparently come to an agreement on a health care bill. This latest version of the bill strips out the public option entirely. At this point it made no difference since the public option had been butchered so much that it would, at best, benefited dogs who are 7 human years of age, turtles, and men from Dakota named Jeffery. Why did it get to this? Simple: The democratic party is the most disorganized, chicken shit government party in the country. You had at least 50 members of the party willing to put in a strong public option, which would be the BEST way to cut health care costs AND give the wretched insurance companies true competition so that they could no longer give cum shots to the American people. And then you had the rest of the democrats, and that old godless Jewish piece of shit Joe "why the fuck am I still alive" Liebermen threatening to vote AGAINST the bill and by default their own party and their own democratic PRESIDENT if it contained a strong public option. And so Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has been trying to juggle all kinds of shit to KEEP the public option and secure enough votes to get the thing passed. Reid is usually lifeless, with as much spine as a bone fish, but in this case I have to give him credit. Well, some credit. He did try his ass off to shove in a strong as an ox public option, only to watch his own party run around aimlessly like if they had just seen a big spider in the chamber. So over the last few weeks, in order to appease the democrats in name only, the public option has been withered away and stripped faster then a broke med school student stripping to pay her tuition.

What was going on now was that 10 of the more liberal democrats, and the 10 cock suckers who claim to be democrats but are bunch of spineless shit heads, negotiated for a few days, trying to come up with a compromise. The result is no public option, but instead an expansion on medicare. Under the new reform, if you are 55 years of age or older, you will now be able to purchase into medicare. The rest of us younger folk, well we can ask for a government hand out(though they wont cal it that) to help us buy insurance. So yeah that's essentially where it stands. There still remains a GLIMMER of public option in the bill, but its just for show. The glimmer says that if insurance companies have not cleaned up their shit in a few years, a public option will then be TRIGGERED into effect. Again, this is for show, since Joe "goddammit I hate my life and everything around me I should be fucking dead" Leibermen has said he will vote against the bill if the trigger is still in it. And since democrats are completely spineless and useless, they will appease him since they need his vote. Will THIS version of the bill finally pass? Who the fuck knows. I'm essentially exhausted by the whole thing. Democrats were given a mass majority in the house, a filibuster proof majority in the senate, and the fucking presidency, and they cannot be bothered to organize themselves to pass the most important legislation in their fucking platform. And before you go blaming all this on Obama, don't. This mess isn't entirely his fault. in fact I give him 25% of the blame. The rest goes ENTIRELY on democrats.

Obama essentially tried to do the opposite of what Clinton did when he tried health care reform. Clinton came up with the bill himself, then handed it down to the house democrats, who at the time, in a vigilant example of how nothing ever fucking changes, saw the bill and ran around aimlessly as if a giant spider had entered the halls of fucking congress, with its fangs bare going "raaah!". The bill was defeated, and the spider ate the democrats that election year causing them to lose control of the house and senate. The ONLY difference then was that the republicans who came into office actually had some ideas. They were BAD ideas, but ideas none the less. If you wonder why I haven't mentioned the republicans in this rant thus far, it is because they are fucking irrelevant to this process. The republican party has decided they will take the way of the 4 year old, and not lift a single finger to do ANYTHING for ANYBODY. Their idea of health care reform is "go fuck yourself and die!" So instead of actually being useful and trying to implement some of their ideas into the bill, they have shut THEMSELVES out of the entire process. They have done nothing but try to delay the bill from moving forward for as long as they could. This is useless, as A) they are NOT the majority and therefore can not hold up anything for too long. It will eventually move forward and they just make themselves look like assholes, and B )democrats are doing a fine enough job holding shit up on their own. The republicans main fear is that something will pass, and will be well received and they will end up looking stupid for not having supported it. So they want to try to delay it for as long as they can just so.....well just so. Again, they are completely irrelevant to this process, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

So anyway, Obama tried the OPPOSITE of Clinton. Instead of coming up with the bill himself, he left it ENTIRELY to the hands of the house and senate. And I do mean ENTIRELY. He has had ZERO input on any of this shit. Biggest thing he did for this process is give that speech before congress, in which a racist irrelevant republican proved why thy are the party of morons by shouting at the president. His speech was good enough for the HOUSE democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi(who is the only democrat with balls, despite being a woman), to come up with a bill and pass it. That bill had a very strong public option. It also had very strong ANTI-ABORTION measures, which were forced in by a fucking DEMOCRAT no less. No worries about that though, the senate voted on that measure, and it was killed and removed off the bill, never to be put back in. By doing so they may have lost the vote of the democratic senator from Montana, who I hope falls off a mountain and into Satan's asshole. The thing with Obama is, I believe he expected republican opposition, and was ready for it, but I seriously believe he was blind sided by the opposition to health care reform by DEMOCRATS! I don't think he ever expected his own party to be this much of a fucking MESS and screw the pooch on this issue so horrendously. Obama should have stepped in when he saw this disorganization, squashed the spider on the senate floor, and told them "ya'll crackers best come up with some shit! Feel me?" But he didn't. And so the disorganization was left to fester from June until fucking NOW. See this is why I still trust and approve Obama. He has fucked up on some shit, but I still think he is far, FAR more talented and intelligent than ANYBODY else in the fucking government. The problem is everyone else around him is useless. He's Michael Jordon on the Washington Wizards , he has no one to pass the ball to. But he will get the blame for it since he is the face of it all.

So now we are all caught up. A spineless, disorganized democratic party unable to do anything but walk around with their shoe laces tied together, the republican party who has decided to give up any sense of governing and moved completely into an insane asylum spearheaded by the airheaded Sarah Palin, and Joe" i BEG you to fucking end my misery i make Droopy the dog look like Ronald McDonald kill me please" Leibermen in the middle of it all.

i don't know if i will bother voting in the midterm elections next year. As of right now I see no use. Democrats are idiots, and the republicans are batshit. Either way, we lose. We'll see how things are then. As of now, both parties can go eat a dick. And of course the American people are FAR too fucking inexplicably stupid to understand ANYTHING that is going around them that can't be shown on American Idol or an ipod. So there is no hope for them in any of this either. I stand on the deck of a ship that is quickly filling with water, waiting for it to sink. And I will vanish into the abyss with a smile on my face, my final words being "I told you dumb motherfuckers we were a lost cuase! We go down together now. See you all in hell! HAH!"


In other news, the brain dead Tiger Woods who foolishly got married now has 12, 12 fucking women come out of the rafters now claiming to have tigered his wood. And it keeps growing! At this point, the number of women he has stuck a hole in one on will be higher then the nations unemployment.

James Cameron's Dances with Smurfs...I mean Avatar comes out soon and I can't wait. I'll organize a day for all of us to go see it.

Assassin's Creed 2 is INFINATELY better then the first one in every single possible way. I played it for 20 hours straight last week so I am taking some time off before I dive back in and finish it,

Almost done with music purchases for the year. One to go. After I get it and absorb it, I will post my music of the year list

And in Uganda, right wing assholes in this country have gone over there and have spoken about the evils of homosexuality. The result: a law is almost sure to pass that will outlaw homosexuality, and kill, yes KILL anyone who is gay. Why oh fucking why this story has NOT gotten more attention is a testament to how unimaginably USELESS our national media has become. I full rant on that is forthcoming. But seriously, look this story up. The only person covering it is of course Rachel Maddow from MSNBC. She interviewed a guy on her show the other night who claims to be able to "cure the gay" and who 'se ridiculous books have been a major catalyst for the law being formed in Uganda, which I repeat, will give the government permission to KILL gay people. The right wing idiots from this country who went over there and spoken ill about the gays, all have said they disagree with the law, BUT not one of them has gone back over there try to stop it. There should be no reason as to why, despite the democrats being useless, I will never in my fucking life DARE vote for a republican. Democrats are useless, but the republicans are fucking stupid, insane, and want the world to burn so Jesus can come down and jack them off.

Sigh. That's all for now I'm gonna go stick my head in a vacuum cleaner and see what happens.
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