Dec 03, 2009 01:06
I support the presidents plan for Afghanistan. The speech tonight was extremely somber, serious, and to the point. There wasn't any Bush styled flag waving crotch grabbing bluster. The media, of course, seems utterly confused by that. The media is completely fucking inept, but that's a post for another day. The funny thing in all this is that the DEMOCRATS are the ones flaming Obama now for this strategy. Why? Obama said REPEATEDLY during the campaign that he would focus on Afghanistan. And so he is. And I support this. Even when that fucktard Bush went to Afghanistan, I supported it. That is where Al Qaeda was. That's where the 9/11 attacks originated from. I NEVER supported Iraq. I knew then that the Iraq war was a complete waste of time and resources, and that is a place we should pull ALL troops out of.
Obama, ever the pragmatist, has gone the middle road with his strategy. The democrats are bashing him because he doesn't live in liberal fairy land where terrorists are as rare as unicorns and we can afford to pull ALL troops out and just hope for the best. And republicans are bashing him because he doesn't live in neocon fantasy land where America has a big dick and cums all over other countries at will, and our military is so mighty and powerful we can afford to stay in all countries all over the world until the end of time or just until Jesus comes back. His speech tonight basically pissed both sides off. It is therefore a success. The strategy is a major troop increase, WITH a timetable for withdrawal. I fully support this. Despite what idiot republicans say, timetables are GOOD. It gives the Afghan government an incentive to get their shit together. And if they refuse, then we leave and they fall apart. We wash our hands of it. No timetable means they drag their feet, and we are stuck there for a thousand years. And quite frankly, who gives a FUCK what republicans say on any of this. THEY BOTCHED THIS WAR! Obama is cleaning up THIER mess. This is their fuck up he now has to fix. And I support him in cleaning the fuck ups. And this plan I think is the best chance there is to clean the fuck up.
And to the democrats all bitching, SHUT THE FUCK UP! All you useless pussies VOTED for the Iraq war, you sat on your chicken shit hands for 8 cock sucking years letting Bush, Cheney and the republicans run all over you. NOW you bitch? NOW? WHEN THIS MAN IS TRYING TO CLEAN THE FUCK UPS YOU HELPED ENABLE? No. Unacceptable. Give Obama the benefit of the doubt on this. Hell, you BETTER. Cuase of this fails, a republican will get elected. And then guess what? The republican will increase the length of the war from here to infinity. So it will be worse for you in the end of you don't stop eating cock. He could have been just a bitch president and sent in a bunch of troops without any exit strategy, any timetable, any plan just like Bush did. Twice. He didn't do that. He thought about it, planned it, and came up with this strategy. So since like Obama i too am a pragmatist, I will support this plan. Why? because I still believe this man knows what he is doing, for the most part anyway. I don't think the democrats have a fucking CLUE of what they are doing and i KNOW the republicans don't know jack shit. So Obama is all we've got. I pray he succeeds in this, because this is extremely risky. So in the immortal words or April O' Neil: "You have my support"
Oh and will Dick Cheney fucking DIE already. Just DIE! He was interviewed yesterday and essentially called Obama a TRAITOR to the country, That his slow response to all this is appeasing the enemy. And he also said the BOTCHED war and its disastrous state was NOT his or Bush's fault. The interviewer, since he is part of the media and thereby a useless chicken shit asshole, did NOT ask a follow up question. So we didn't even get a basic follow up of "Well then who 'se fault is it?" Nope. Nothing. Just went on to the next question. Cheney is a war criminal and he should be charged with treason, tossed in a pitch black cell and left to ROT for all his crimes against humanity. The man is a sick piece of shit, and the fact that he still has the ability to SPEAK is a joke from God. Fuck him, and EVERYONE who supports him.