o.O completely random babbles!

May 17, 2008 00:43

wow.....I keep forgetting this thing is here for the most part, you know seeing as it hasn't been posted to in oh.......4 months??

Life to say the least is interesting and yet at the same time very unsatisfying. Now I honestly have nothing against anyone but I look around me and see everyone quite literally rushing off to get married, I am attending no less than five different weddings between now and years end SO FAR! Every single bride the exception of one of them is YOUNGER than me! Seriously guys what the hell? The other girls are within two years of my age, again what the hell. Did I miss some sort of "get married now" memo? Am I the only girl who is content as a cucumber to oh NOT get married any time in the next 5 years or so? It baffles me.

I recently (ok so like a month ago) Started working at Wal-Mart pushing bolts of fabric and colorful balls of yarn and the like. I enjoy my job for the most part but I know it's not forever which in some ways kinda bugs me, I don't feel like putting my all into it because It's not my career. That bothers me alot, because I used to give everything my all, now I find a care less and less about anything. But on the bright side I did learn how to crochet! I have thus far made two scarfs and a plethora of baby blankets. ANA HURRY IT UP ALREADY!

Alot of things have changed for me, some for the better, some for well the not so better. But we don't really get to choose which is which. Some time ago now I did something I swore I would never do again. I shut someone out of my life, severed any contact I had and the like. For the longest time I thought it would bother me, annoy me and what have you. Surprisingly this has thus far been the top contender for "Kris's rare good decisions" It's made me realize that some people at this point in my life I only keep around to feel safe, some form of twisted stability, when in reality I know that's never going to happen. I've actually come to terms with this now and accept it for what it is. A good friend of mine often describes me and my life as chaotic and unpredictable I never really paid it much mind until recently, I stepped back and took a good look at my life and realized how right he is. I've come to realize I like a certain measure of chaos in my life it helps keep me on my toes and always watching my back :)

Flip flopping around here, I recently entered negotiations with my dad and have through him purchased a house. *CHEER* Much excitement yet much annoyance at having to pack *headdesk*

Speaking of friends and the such......Sure it took me oh 5 or 6 years BUT I finally realized why I cannot function in a relationship! Go me and being a twit! I still love somebody and let me tell you that was very very odd to just wake up one morning and BAM dawning realization hits me full on.

Hmm for now though I think I've rambled on enough, catch you folks in another couple of months LMAO.
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