Nov 17, 2007 22:15
Lol alright so guess what Tai you're not the only one whose been frequenting the hospital. But I'm definetly not as bad off as you.
Friday last week I decided I didn't overly feel like going to school so I being me spent most of my day sleeping. Karma is a bitch let me tell you. I woke up around 1:30 to a massive amount of pain in my eyes, so out came my lenses to only have the pain get worse. So I called up Kat to get her to drive me into emerg at St. Joes. Well she was kind enough to drive me in, but just dumped me in a chair and left, no idea how I was supposed to get home when I couldn't fucking see -_- Three hours later I finally get to see a DR. over in noon emergency care, he looks at my eyes says "hmm" then eaves the room, another Dr. comes back with him. So the other guy looks at my eyes and says "you have an eye infection, heres drops to use every two hours, no contact lenses for 6 weeks." Well that's great, I don't exactly own glasses!! So I had to go to Lense Crafters and order some and I'm out of school until then.
So here I was on Friday night figuring ok whatvever I'll just go to sleep. Holy fuck bad idea! Every time I tried to lay down my eye would leak and burn and hurt. So about 5:30 AM sees me back in emerg crying my little puffed up eyes out. The night shift Fr. comes in and puts these weird drops in my eyes that are SUPPOSED to freeze my eye, no such luck. So after prying my eyes open to look at them he also goes "hmm" then leaves the room. So I was expecting him to come back with another Dr. He comes back with a nurse and a needle O_O Well turns out got myself a Corneatic Ulcer...... imagine that! Turns out the needle was full of morphine :D So I got sent home with a prescription for Ibuprofen extra strength and T3 with Codine. Saturday night I went back in for a scheduled check up and everything seemed to be going fine until about 2AM. My eyeball decided to swell up again *cheers* Back to the hospital I go and get stuck with another needle full of morphine and a happy Adavan pill. This time I also get a prescription for Perkecete pills......Yeah Kris is drugged to the gills! When I walked into the drugstore on Sunday the pharmacist just looked at the prescription and looked at me and shook her head. No eonder this is the third day in a row I've been in there. LOL.
So Sunday night was the first time I've ever taken a prescription narcotic drug (perks) SWEET JESUS CHRIST!I was completely stoned out of my tree within about 10 minutes of popping two of those little pills! I've taken just about every drug out there that I can think of and nothing has gotten me stoned so quickly or for such an extensive period of time. I kept screaming that the goombas were trying to eat my brains. I also apparently kept singing "Do you know the muffin man?" Huzah for prescription narcotics!! Which apparently turns out to be the strongest thing the Dr. can legally give me without admitting me to the hospital for medical supervision.
5 hospital visits thus far, 4 prescriptions, 3 nights without sleep, 2 very very good looking interns, and 1 Kris completely stoned outta her tree......*whistles 12 days of christmas jingle*