Aug 16, 2007 15:06
Tagged by Ana
[01] -- List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
[02] -- Tag seven people to do the same.
[03] -- DO NOT tag the person who tagged you
1. I own enough pairs of underwear that I can go a month without doing laundry and never wear the same pair twice.
2. I am Harry Potter fanfic obsessed!!
3. Believe it or not but I do not aspire to be a great cook! I aspire to be a restaurant MANAGER!
4. I will have lived away from home for 6 years in November.
5. I am also Slytherin / Draco and Lucius Malfoy obsessed. The whole blond bad boy thing really gets me going.
6. I usually refuse to wear my glasses even though I know that I need them.
7. Last but never ever not least I have a gorgeous little girl named Autumn whom I miss terribly.