The Liberal Party of Australia: Reconsider your plan for a 'FTTN' NBN in favour of a superior 'FTTH'

Sep 12, 2013 15:47

Please join this campaign:

A Petition Pertaining to the Future of Australian Broadband.

To Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, the Liberal Party of Australia, the Senate and whom it may concern,

This petition is designed to highlight Australia’s desire for a superior ‘Fibre to the Home’ (FTTH) broadband solution, rather than the Coalition’s proposed ‘Fibre to the Node’ (FTTN) solution.

As currently proposed, the Coalition’s FTTN solution relies on the existing copper lines to supply individual premises access to the National Broadband Network (NBN) over the last mile or so. However, copper wiring solutions are rapidly approaching a century of implementation, with its inception dating back to the 1920’s. As such, its technological limits as well as associated weaknesses are rapidly developing.

There's also a facebook account and the petition site has a link for both this and for sharing it on twitter.

nbn, petitions

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