Прозвища в сленге британского ВМФ времен Второй мировой войны

Oct 17, 2008 18:26


Должности и звания
Family Names Inside the Ship

The Admiral - Father
Flag-Lieutenant - Flags
Captain - The Owner (by his officers). The Old Man (by Ship's Company)
Commander (Executive) - The Bloke
First Lieutenant - Number One (by the officers). Jimmy the One (by the hands). The Chief Housemaid (because he is responsible for the ship's cleanliness).
Gunnery Officer - Guns (by officers). Gunnery Jack (by the hands).
Torpedo Officer - Torp.
Signal Officer - Signals
Navigating Officer - Pilot, Navvy
Navigator's Assistant - Tanky
Physical Training Officer - Bunjy, The lndiarubber Man.
Chaplain - Sky Pilot, Devil-Dodger, BiblePuncher, Vicar, Bishop, The Bish.
Paymaster - Pay, Pusser (Purser) (by officers). Pay-Bob, Tizzysnatcher, Inky-finger (by men).
Captain's Clerk - The Click

Engineer Commander - Chief
Eng. Lieut.-Commander - The Senior
Senior Marine Officer - The Major
Other R. Marine Officers - Soldier
The Bandmaster - Bandie
Senior Doctor - P.M.O. (by officers)
Other Doctors - Doc., Butcher
Dental Surgeon - Toothy (by officers). Fang Farrier (by men).
Naval Instructor - Usher
R.N.R. Officers - Rocky, Sinbad, Cargo-Bill
All Lieutenants - Lootenant.
Easy-going Officer - A Jack-Shalloo.
Sub-Lieutenant - Sub (by officers), Subby (by men)
Midshipmen - Snotty, Wart (by officers) Mid. (by men)
Deck Landing Officer - Bats (in an aircraft carrier)
The Boatswain - Bose, 'Pipes'
Warrant Supply Officer - Salt Beef Squire
Warrant Victualling Officer - The Grocer
Warrant Engineer - Arch-Tiffy
Instructional Gunner - Daggers
Chief Gunner's Mate - Chief G-I
Chief Boatswain's Mate - Chief Buffer
Physical Training Instructor - Jumper, Clubs
Sick Berth Attendant - Poultice Walloper, Poultice Plasterer
Ship's Cook - Slushy
Master-at-Arms - Jaunty
Regulating Petty Officer - Crusher
Schoolmaster - Schoolie
Leading Seaman - Killick, Hookie
Chief Petty Officer - Chiefie
Ordinary Seaman - O.D.s (Oh Dees)
Royal Marines - Leathernecks, Jollies
Royal Marine Bandsmen - Musicians, Bandies
Royal Marine Bugler - Drummer
Seaman Bugler - Bugles
Carpenter - Chippie, Chips
Armourer - Army
Lamptrimmer - Lampy
Postman - Posty
Clerk - Writer
Wireless rating - Sparks
Signalman - Bunts, Bunting-tosser
Cooper - Jimmy Bungs
Storekeeper - Captain of the Hold - Tanky
Engine-room Artificer - Tiffy Bloke
Boy Artificer - Tiffy-boy
Stokers - Plumbers, Clinker-knockers
Supply Staff - Dusty Boys - Jack Dusty
The Ship's Company - The Hands, The Troops
The Sailor himself - A Matelot (pronounced Ma-te-lo)


ww2, navy, maritime history

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