State of the pups

Jul 30, 2009 11:24

All pups (at the moment) at hearts_andminds

Character: Lucas North Character LJ:ancient_ofdays
Canon: Spooks
General: Oh my god my loudest pup. And oh, how I’m breaking him. Elizabeta has just turned up in the village, which considering his growing relationship with Martha is going to be FUN. Then, just when he’s getting over that, the Spooks plot will happen AND OMG UNRESOLVED ISSUES WITH CONNIE. How well he bounces back afterwards is anyone’s guess, but he will be close to breaking point. Oh, and he has a puppy.
Needs threads with: Well, he has a raft of threads coming up, so... yeah.

Character: Sam Tyler Character LJ:manc_tyler
Canon: Life on Mars
General: Getting himself back on his feet again after operation. Conveniently forgotten about Rogue so he doesn’t have to deal with that. Is now Chief of Operations at the police station
Needs threads with: Gene, Chris (when he’s back), anyone really.

Character: Carlos Ramirez Character LJ:wardenramirez
Canon: Dresden Files
General: Is quiet. He needs something to do, or he is in danger of being dropped (he’s basically learned his lesson anyway).
Needs threads with: Anyone! Anyone who doesn’t believe in magic, Carlos is your man for showing you, honest!

Character: Toshiko Sato Character LJ:aliengeekgirl
Canon: Torchwood
General: She will be leaving the village after her current thread with the real Captain Jack. With Owen gone, and her pregnant, I can’t keep her. Just married I could have just about dealt with, but the rest, no. Will be finding somewhere else to play her though!
Needs threads with:

Character: The Tenth Doctor Character LJ:smith_drsmith
Canon: Doctor Who
General: Oh I am so very evil. After a little run in with Lore and the Master, Ten is currently John Smithified, having gone through the chameleon arch again. He’ll be that way for at least a couple of months, until a certain point in the Lore plot. And it’s hard, but fun.
Needs threads with: Anyone. He got really bemused by Jenny calling him Dad.

Character: Logan/Wolverine Character LJ:cage_brawler
Canon: X-Men Movie verse
General: Getting more confident. Only taken a year! The thread with Chuck geeking out was adorable. Needs to get out more, and will throw him into the next fight.
Needs threads with: Adam Monroe, Danger Room practise, definitely with Kayla

Character: Nyssa Character LJ:last_trakenite
Canon: Dr Who
General: Scientist Nyssa reared her head, which was kinda nice to see. She’s bemused by Harry Pearce’s inability to understand that there really is alien life out there. She kind of wants to show him some of the plantlife, and maybe recreate Traken in the holodeck.
Needs threads with: The other Doctors, anyone.

Character: Thomas Raith Character LJ:priestofbowflex
Canon: Dresden Files
General: Dropped the ball with him slightly, due to difficult thread with Ros Myers (YES IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT). He needs to decide just what he’s doing there. Preferably running *g* (joking). Desire needs to start messing with his head, then he can go all predator. Loves having Mom about.
Needs threads with: Harry (anytime and always), any of the other Spooks pups for the lulz, Lara... and anyone.

Character: Rhys Williams Character LJ:notmrcooper
Canon: Torchwood
General: After watching CoE, is loud. Very loud (yes, I’m going to start prompt writing with him). Gwen is staying, which is great. He just needs out more
Needs threads with: Any of the TARDIS staff, anyone who’ll talk to him - he’ll do all the talking, honest!

Character: Rupert Giles Character LJ:onetruewatcher
Canon: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
General: Is in a generally good place, even if some part of him is horrified he maybe, interpret it as you will slept with Ethan during the polywater plot. Fallout with Buffy will be epic. EPIC I TELL YOU.
Needs threads with: Any of the BtVS pups, yes even Wes...

Character: Uhura Character LJ:freedom_lt
Canon: Star Trek
General: In a good place. Been on an actual date with Picard, is just chilling. Is so happy Chekov is here.
Needs threads with: Any of any generation of Trek crew, well, anyone at all really.

Character: Peter Petrelli Character LJ:dreamtof_flying
Canon: Heroes
General: Has just got a job at the clinic as a nurse. Is a very confused pup after Adam kissing him during polywater plot. Didn’t hate it. Needs to sort out his feelings for Adam, also Claire has left the village, so needs to deal with that.
Needs threads with: Any Heroes pup (we’re getting a Nathan soon yay!!!), Ninth Doctor for the confusion aspect, he’ll thread with anyone

Character: Sir Guy of Gisborne Character LJ:broodsinleather
Canon: Robin Hood (New BBC TV)
General: After the utter car crash of S3, need to decide if I’m canon updating him. At the moment, probably not. Basically going slightly insane. Is seeing ghosts of Marian. Isabella and Meg from his future is really not helping, especially as he thinks he was going to die along with Meg. His thread with River was pretty amazing, and has made him start to think. A bit. Maybe.
Needs threads with: Rose Red (HE NEEDS TO ACTUALLY, YOU KNOW, WORK), any RH pup. Fighty coming up that he might actually win. Medieval fair.

Character: Margaret Hale Character LJ:helstones_rose
Canon: North and South
General: Settling in. Bemused by modern people, but adapting as she can. She’s made a friend in Gabriel Gray, who has given her a snow globe. She is quiet, but that’s ok. She’s one of those lovely people I can just pick up and put down at will.
Needs threads with: Anyone, really. She needs to meet people, perhaps Aubrey, Wentworth etc. NEED TO ENABLE A JOHN THORNTON.

Character: Geordi La Forge Character LJ:goodbyeladyluck
Canon: Star Trek: TNG
General: Has a date in the village before Will Riker. This amuses me NO END. Still settling in. We need a poker game, yes.
Needs threads with: Anyone. Data, Picard, Avon... oh just throw them at him.

Character: Wilfred Mott Character LJ:will_i_heck
Canon: Doctor Who
General: How did I end up with three DW pups? He’s decided he’s going to write a book about Donna and her adventures, so that at least he knows. Ten, unfortunately, isn’t helpful. Has met his first alien, so he’s over the moon, as well as Hercules! Need to get him out and about more.
Needs threads with: Anyone. Seriously, he’ll tell you how awesome the Doctor is any day of the week

Character: Daniel Jackson Character LJ:hasallergies
Canon: Stargate SG1
General: Oh hai there surprise new pup! So easy to write it’s ridiculous. Okay, so I don’t have him having many memories at the moment, but they will be there! They are gradually coming back though, which is great. Jack is gonna have a HELL of a time prying him out of the museum. Replicator plot on the horizon
Needs threads with: Anyone and everyone.

Two more on the horizon, then I think that’s it. Can you tell I’m unemployed at the moment?

state of the pups

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