For achanceto_dream Prompt set 7-2 Trapped

Feb 25, 2010 09:08

Image Prompt: Trapped

The Grid felt too small to Lucas. He paced restlessly, travelling between his station and places like the paper records room, the canteen, anywhere he could. When the call came in to meet an asset, he jumped at the chance to get outside, even if it did mean travelling with Ros. All during the car journey he was restless, fidgeting, bouncing his legs, and generally being annoying.

"Will you stop that?" Ros snapped eventually. "Frankly, it's annoying."

Lucas glared over at Ros for a moment, but he sat at still as he could - the only motion was now in his fingers, which seemed to move endlessly.

Even when they were with the asset, Lucas paces restlessly, forcing the asset to watch him while he answered questions, the whole thing taking longer than it should have. As soon as they were done, Lucas turned on his heel and headed back to the car, leaving Ros to stare after him.

"Your Boston babe leave you wanting?" Ros asked as she eventually approached him and the car.

"Huh?" Lucas replied, turning to look at her and standing still for possible the first time that day.

"I have never seen you so restless," Ros said. "I thought about shooting you in the knee, see if that helps make you still.

"Funny," Lucas said, scowling at her. "Can we go back to work now?"

"So you can pace some more and annoy everyone? No," Ros replied. "I wouldn't be a good Section Chief if I let everyone get annoyed like that."

"So, it's okay for you to annoy the hell out of them, but now me?" Lucas snapped.

"Yup. That's why I'm in charge. Get in."


"Get in the car."

"We're going back now? I never figured you as the 'change your mind every two minutes' type."

"No, we're not going back."

Hampstead Heath is one of those places that amazes people who just think of London as a grimy city. The pair of them walked along, avoiding the runners, cyclists and families having fun, heading towards Parliament Hill.

"How was the move?" Ros asked, as much to try and get Lucas talking as anything. Not that she minded silence, but she had a suspicion she knew what was wrong.

"Fine. Everything survived," Lucas replied absently, then focused on her. "Okay, what's this about? Why here?"

"Ever since last week, you've been on edge," Ros said. "Consider this due warning. Either you sort it out yourself, or I tell Harry to make you go to the psychologist."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me," she said, before turning to look at him. "Look. I can only imagine what it was like, seeing Darshavin again." Lucas turned away with a look of disgust, all his thoughts and emotions clear on his face. "I don't know how the hell you survived, but I do know that you are no use to me if you let it get to you like this."

"I'm just not sleeping well in the new place," Lucas said, looking around him. "I'll be fine."

Ros watched him. "The bad dreams are resurfacing?" she asked eventually.

There was a long pause, long enough that Ros thought that Lucas was going to ignore the question. "Yes," he said eventually. "The sense of being trapped again."

"I could go through all the physcological crap, the pastoral care that Harry gave me after..." She trailed off, the memory of shooting Jo fresh in her mind once again. She shook her head sharply, trying to get rid of the vision. "He tortured you for four years," she said softly.

"I know," Lucas snapped, then forced himself to calm down. He looked over the Heath. They'd walked up Parliament Hill, with its unsurpassed view over London. "Good choice," he said eventually.

Ros watched him. He seemed calmer now. The open space was obviously helping him regain his sense of equilibrium. The Grid could seem tiny some days. "Get it sorted, or I'll book you an appointment personally." She wasn't the type to be bothered with all the gentle caring crap.

Lucas gave a low laugh. "I'm fine."

Lucas North
Word Count: 686

a chance to dream

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