an early happy thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 2005 08:32

well, i'm off for tucson, AZ today to go be with family for the next few days so i figured i would send out an early happy thanksgiving wish out to everyone, wishing them peace, happiness, wellbeing and not killing your family if you end up spending copious amounts of time with them...

love and hugs to everyone!

i am grateful for...
* my boyfriend.... tetravus , you are my everything... i can't be thankful enough of all that you do for me... and words cannot describe how lucky i am to have someone like you who loves me.  it's been a rough year... full of many ups and downs... but with you i've been able to endure them all... if i am with you, then i am always always home...

* my family... although i have had somewhat of a difficult time adjusting to being under my parents' roof again, i can't give enough thanks to God for giving me such a supporting family, ready to take me and mine in under any circumstances...

* teaching.... i have experienced a lot of lack of motivation and purpose these last few months.... hell this past year... teaching is what always brings me back to where i feel i actually do something purposeful and worthwhile in this world.  i thank God that i will be able to teach again.... i think it will really help me get through all this upheaval, see the silver lining and to see how the wind closing one door can open another...

* my friends.... i am truly blessed with amazing people in my life... and although i wish i could be closer to a lot of them, i feel their presence in my life and i am enriched by knowing them.

* my kitty cat, itzli.... who gives me kitty hugs every morning without fail... and although he can be a big bundle of trouble, he never fails to make me laugh... and he makes me feel so glad that we found him and he entered our lives one week before the storm so that he could be saved along with us.

* and i suppose... the hurricane... although it has caused us much upheaval and worry, it has given us opportunities to do things that we definitely would not have been able to do otherwise.. and perhaps led us in new directions.  i often feel God abruptly changes the signposts on the road of life, forcing us to go a way that we never would have otherwise so that we may learn and grow and experience in new ways.... but i say, God... ya didn't need to cause such a catastrophe to do that!  although maybe you do to change the course of millions of people's lives.  and for stubborn-minded people like me.
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