Mar 21, 2009 21:57
I'm leaving this house in Carlton but not by my on volition. Things were never great between Lex and I but damnit I didn't realise the extent at which she was quietly hating me. Essentially giving my housemate Adam (to whom I thought was my best mate in Melbourne) the ultimatum it's either he or me. Being the girlfriend to which he's in love with where he's struggling to keep her in the relationship, let alone the house it wasn't hard for him to decide which party he was going to take the side of. But then let's face it he isn't the mate I once cherished and at times looked up to. He talks at great length his passion for Fightclub and its messages. I don't think it's the greatest film or book for that matter however its meaning we at least whole-heartedly agreed on. One of the foundations of our friendship even. Now he's dating a boring normal girl who likes earning lots of money and likes fucking Ikea furniture and puts up pictures of some goddamn shells on the mantle piece. He's gone from being a slacker who had charisma, in-depth knowledge and like for all things artistic and cultural to a sensible, narcissistic Gym junkie Ken doll. You used to talk so strongly against mediocrity and yet look at what you're becoming!!! Was what you were before just a bullshit act or are you really that piss easy to sway? As long as she's cute right?
Who gives a fuck I guess? I gotta find a new place to live and that's that.