Jul 22, 2006 02:36
I received a few emails and have been asked what my religious belief system really is? (If you see the very bottom of this entry, I talk about one of the interesting emails I did receive). Em...well...I'm a cradle Catholic and still am a practicing Catholic. Although, I don't go to Mass as often as I should. My brother and his wife and family are Evangelical Christians and spent some years traveling abroad being missionaries. I've attended other churches...Baptist, Evangelical, Methodist, Presbyterian, I've been to a Jewish temple once and even visited a Buddhist temple for a class in high school.
I'm a very spiritual person and consider myself a Christian. I enjoy reading about the history of the early Christian church. Actually, I like to read about all kinds of history in general! I enjoy studying alternative healing therapies...and find the writings by St. Hildegard Von Bingen on crystals and stones and their healing properties to be quite interesting.
My family tree is full of ancestors that were Baptist ministers, Irish Catholics, German Lutherans, Quakers, Church of England, Puritan Ministers and Deacons, and one great-grandmother - we *think* her family may have been Jewish. My great (x9) grandmother Margaret (Stephenson) Scott was wrongfully hanged as a witch during the Salem Witch Trials. So, I come from a varied background. I try to keep an open mind and be accepting of others. One niece is Pagan, one sister believes in reincarnation, some are Catholic like me, many are Evangelical Christians and some in my family don't follow any kind of spiritual path at all. But my core beliefs were ingrained in me as a child going to Catholic school. I like being Catholic, although Rome likes to say that we over here in America are Cafeteria Catholics, meaning we pick and choose what we want to believe and what rules we want to follow.
I felt I should address this issue since a woman emailed me saying her teen-aged sister was looking for Wicca information online (which seemed to upset the woman) and my journal came up as one of the places she visited. I don't have any information in my LJ about Wicca, maybe she was interested in the subject matter of some of my other entries (?) The only reason I can think of why she may have ended up here at my LJ was because I am a fan of the TV show Charmed and have a few icons related to characters. But for me, the show was merely entertainment.
Many Blessings to all!
my own beliefs.